Home Sweet Home! There is no other place on earth where I’d rather be, than right here in my mountain valley home of San Cristóbal, Chiapas. After more than four “unplanned” months away from home, it was never sweeter to step on Chiapas soil, than it was the night of July 10.
Life is certainly full of “the unplanned.” I consider myself a very healthy lady, except for minor aches and pains common to my age. But I’ve never been sick for so long…over two weeks…than I was the first few weeks after my arrival. My main symptom was severe fatigue. If you have ever experienced that malady, you know that it not only affects the body, but also the mind, the emotions, and the morale. After two weeks of being pampered by my daughter, Anna and her husband, Andrés; and my daughter, Elizabeth and her husband, Ulises; and with the support of my other six children, I began slowly to regain my strength. I am still limited in the physical work I can do. But this has given me more time to spend in my devotions in the mornings, and in the study of the Word of God. And I am even enjoying teaching virtual conferences and meetings with ladies and teen girls. Thank the Lord for modern technology.
At present, I am under the care of a cardiologist, who has recommended two other specialists for my recovery.
The work here is continuing to grow, and the members are staying faithful, although the death toll continues to rise. I was heartbroken to hear of the death of the young pastor, who brings his orphans to our Banquets every year. He died of coronavirus. Very strict rules are being enforced in stores, offices, and even in clinics.
I have only been out twice for medical appointments during the three weeks since I returned home. I miss getting to attend church, and I really miss having my ladies’ Bible class, and our monthly Prayer Breakfasts. Hopefully this stressful time in our lives will soon subside.
Also, I miss having visits from my church family here. A lady from our church called me while I was in the States crying, because she missed me. She called several days ago, and said, “Get ready for a big hug when this is over.” I don’t want to disappoint her, but something tells me this will never really be over…better, but not over.
On a personal note, two of my grandsons graduated from High School in the month of June. Please pray for Steven Miller, Jr., and David Sloan, Jr., as they both are preparing for full time ministry.
Thankfully, you have continued to be faithful to my ministry: some through financial support, and many of you through your prayers. Thank you.
May the Lord bless and keep you healthy and safe during this pandemic.
Your friend.
Billie Sloan
Nahum 1:7
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